
Options for the quantize function.


normalizeWeights: boolean

Normalize weight attributes.

patternTargets: RegExp

Pattern (regex) used to filter morph target semantics for quantization. Default: options.pattern.

pattern: RegExp

Pattern (regex) used to filter vertex attribute semantics for quantization. Default: all.

quantizationVolume: 'mesh' | 'scene'

Bounds for quantization grid.

quantizeGeneric: number

Quantization bits for application-specific (_*) attributes.

quantizeWeight: number

Quantization bits for WEIGHT_* attributes.

quantizeColor: number

Quantization bits for COLOR_* attributes.

quantizeTexcoord: number

Quantization bits for TEXCOORD_* attributes.

quantizeNormal: number

Quantization bits for NORMAL attributes.

quantizePosition: number

Quantization bits for POSITION attributes.

Function symbol, where the argument and output are a box labeled 'glTF'.

Made by Don McCurdy. Documentation built with greendoc and published under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.